Kfar Tikva and Tulip Winery: A Partnership

Tulip Winery employs residents of the village in the production of Tulip wines, and encourages community involvement and promotion of joint activities.

Kfar Tikva residents who are employees of Tulip Winery take an active part in harvesting the grapes, bottling and packaging of the wine and welcoming and revceiving guests at the Tulip Winery Visitor Center.

The successful synthesis of Kfar Tikva’s mission with the Itzhaki family’s desire to produce quality wine has created an exciting model for the wine industry; employing adults with special needs and providing the opportunity for inclusion in the mainstream workforce.


“Be a Wish Maker” Project

Tulip winery and Make-A-Wish Israel organization bonded together and led to an extraordinary and exciting project. Half of the sales revenue from our gift packs went to Make-A-Wish Israel, which makes the wishes of children with life-threatening diseases come true.We marked this joined venture with the creation of three private label wines dedicated to the project, and got graphic designer Israel Yossoph on board to donate a label design and Pitkit label printing press to donate the printing of the labels.


“Don’t Label Me” Project

With the initial release of Black Tulip in 2007, Tulip’s owner, Roy Itzhaki felt that his flagship wine should represent the winery’s spirit and beliefs, kmowing that an ordinary label seemed to be insufficient for this exceptional wine, we began an art competition where the participants, mentally disabled adults from four social organizitions, submitted labels.

An outstanding drawing was chosen, drawn by David Ashkenazi a member from Akim organization.

Ever since this label teaches us an important lesson:
We can label wines, but we cannot label people.